Aggregating Data

Last modified on 2024-08-22


As an ESG Master, once you have approved the data submitted by all your reporting entities for an ESG report, you can aggregate this data at just a click of your mouse. The aggregated data are used to automatically generate a report containing the individual reporting data for the assigned reporting entities and the aggregated numerical data. The aggregated data are also prepared for the import into the Lucanet Disclosure Management solution for further processing

Aggregating Data

To aggregate the ESG data:

  1. If necessary, open Data Collection.
    You will see all the data submitted by the respective reporting entities. The icon in front of the report name indicates the status of the data in question. This screen also shows when the report data in question were last modified. 
  2. Navigate to the approved report data.
    Note: Before you can aggregate the ESG data, you must approve all the data submitted by the respective reporting entities. 
  3. Click Aggregate
The option to aggregate report data is displayed in the bottom right of the screen. Option to aggregate report data

The aggregated data are prepared for import into Lucanet Disclosure Management.

You can now also view the aggregated ESG report.

You can use Show responses to view which reporting entity has provided which response for every question in the ESRS module:

An example of an aggregated report is displayed. The option 'Show responses' of a question is highlighted in red. Option to show responses for each reporting entity

For responses provided in the form of data in tables, a table with the aggregated data is directly displayed. By double-clicking a cell with aggregated values, you can drill down to the individual values entered by each reporting entity:

Shows a table with the aggregated data from all reporting entities for each question. Column 1 shows the questions, column 2 shows the aggregated responses submitted by all reporting entities. Aggregated responses displayed in a table
Shows a table with the individual responses from different reporting entities. Column one shows the reporting entity, column two shows the responses to the question 'Head count' Drill-down to data entered by individual reporting entities