Reversing Components
Last updated on 2024-12-16
Reversing components resets them to their "original state", i.e. how they were before the components’ calculated values were first entered in the database.
Reversing a component has the following consequences:
- All changes made between when the component was created and when the calculated values were saved in the database for the first time will remain in place.
- All calculated saved values will be archived.
- All recorded component events (e.g. modifications or revaluations) will be deleted.
- All postings that have been generated but not yet exported will be deleted.
- A corresponding contra entry with the opposite plus/minus sign will be created for each exported posting. The posting date for this reversal posting is the date specified below.
- Once the reversal is complete, the component is free to be edited as normal again.
- Reversals cannot be undone.
This article contains the following sections:
The ‘Component Reversal’ workspace
The Component reversal workspace is displayed as follows:

Reversing Components
To reverse a component:
- Select the contract to which the component is assigned.
- Select the contract component you want to reverse.
- Under Perform complete reversal, specify the scope of the reversal:
- Select Yes if you want to perform the reversal for all periods.
- Select No if you only want the reversal to apply starting from a specific period. In the Reverse periods starting from box, select the required month.
- Select the reversal posting date.
- Click Perform reversal and confirm the query dialog that appears.
- Once the reversal is complete, the component is free to be edited as normal again.
- Reversals cannot be undone.
- If you switch to another workspace during configuration, any unsaved changes made to your configuration will be lost.