Using the Data View

Last modified on 2024-07-31


In Lucanet Disclosure Management, the data view is used to review report values (including details like history, comments, and validation) that have been imported from a source system and adjust them when necessary. 

Discrepancies can occur when report values are imported in cents and results are displayed in thousands, for example. In such cases, cent values (which are rounded to the nearest thousand) differ from the original values. The data view makes it possible to correct these deviations manually.

Opening the Data View

The Data view function is only available for programmed Excel files.

  • An MS Excel file is classed as programmed if it has a Name column, at least one Values column, and at least one Programming column, and at least one cell is programmed into the Programming column.
  • If the Programming column is empty, the MS Excel file is not classed as programmed.



To open the Data view, proceed as follows: 

  1. In the Dashboard, click the document that you wish to check. Opening a document from the Dashboard
  2. To open the Data view for a chapter, select one of the following options:
    • Click the three dots icon next to a chapter with a programmed MS Excel file and select the Data view:

      Opening the data view from the Cockpit
    • Click  to open the detail view for a chapter and then click Data view.
  3. The Data view will display all the cells with report values from the MS Excel file associated with the chapter. The Data view will be displayed as follows (for example): Data view in Disclosure Management

The data view always displays all the rows programmed in the programming column of the MS Excel file in question.

Configuring the Data View

You can configure what is displayed in the data view in the upper area of the view. In the data view, the following options are available:

Part of the detail view of a value – The drop-down list for selecting a value is open and framed in red. The check box 'value_1' is activated. Selecting value columns using the drop-down list and check boxes.

Activate the check boxes of the value columns whose values you wish to review.

Selecting Periods Selecting Periods


Activate the check boxes of the periods whose values you wish to review.

Displaying exact values for the columns shown Show detail columns


Activate the check boxes of the detail columns you wish to display.

In the list of rows, the Exact value column will be displayed. This column shows exact reporting data based on the items imported from the source system (i.e. without rounding values to the nearest thousand or million).

Displays the validation data for the selected value columns. Showing validations

For more information on validations, please refer to the chapter on Creating and Editing Validations.


Activate the Validations check box if you want the validations that have been created to be displayed in the list of values.

The deviation and status of the validation will then be displayed in the Validations column:

  • A validation displayed in green has completed successfully.
  • A validation displayed in red has failed.
  • If you move your mouse over the icon, a tooltip will indicate the table and value column to which the validation pertains:

Click the exclamation point circled in red next to the validation cell to display the context of the value. A validation reference

 If incorrect validations are displayed, this means there is a deviation between the two compared values. Incorrect validations can be corrected as follows, for example:

  • Check the validation for plausibility. Were the correct values compared?
  • Edit the corresponding values in the data view. Values may need to be adjust or rounded because values have been compared with different number formats.
  • Check the Programming of the Excel table. Were the correct values and arithmetical operations used for calculated values?

Numerical names for the values in the rounding wizard. Output format


Number format (thousands, millions, billions, etc.) for the values used in the data view. This can only be modified by changing the output format in MS Excel.

The output format displayed here is adopted from the document settings or – if the output format of the Excel file is overwritten in the advanced settings of MS Excel – from the Excel file.

The output format serves as the basis for reporting, validating, and checking data, which is why it cannot be changed in the data view.

Colors and Symbols in the Data View

In the data view, colors and symbols indicate the types of values in a given report. The basic value types are:

  • Automatic values: values imported from a source system
  • Manually entered valued: values entered manually by the user


The following colors and symbols can be displayed in the data view:



Report values without highlighting

Report values without highlighting have been imported, but not yet manually processed. This means they correspond to the report values most recently imported from the source system.

Indicator for an unchanged automatic value Value imported from a source system

Report values highlighted in orange

Report values highlighted in orange have been programmed manually, meaning they have not been imported from a source system. Report values highlighted in orange can be overwritten directly in the data view or in MS Excel.

Indicator for a manually changed value Manually changed value

For manually programmed values, the entry #m appears in the programming column. For more information on the entries shown in the programming column, please refer to the section on Entries Permitted in the Programming Column.

Report values highlighted in yellow

Report values highlighted in yellow have been imported and manually overwritten (through rounding, for example). Report values highlighted in yellow can be overwritten directly in the data view.

Overwritten values in the rounding view. Imported value that has been edited

Report values highlighted in gray

Report values highlighted in gray are sums that were calculated in Excel; they are programmed with #s.

Sum of two or more cells; cannot be changed. Calculated value

Report values that have been calculated using formulas (sums and references, for example – #s and #r) cannot be changed in the data view.

For more information on the entries shown in the programming column, please refer to the section on Entries Permitted in the Programming Column.

Report values highlighted in gray with a reference

Report values highlighted in gray that have a reference are referenced report values from another Excel file. References can point to other documents, or to other elements within the same document.

A sum value derived from a reference item. Value is a reference

References/referenced values cannot be changed in the data view.

Cell framed in red

Report values framed in red contain changes that have not yet been saved.

A value that has been adjusted in the rounding view, but not yet saved. Value has not been saved

Cell with blue triangle

Cells with a blue triangle contain a comment. Move your mouse over the blue triangle to display the comment.

Commented value Commented value

Cell with orange triangle

Cells with an orange triangle contain values that have been overwritten by an import.

This value has been overwritten by a data import. Imported value was overwritten

Cell with exclamation point

Cells with an exclamation point contain an imported value that has overwritten a previous manual entry. The exclamation point notifies the user that the value needs to be checked. 

This manually entered value has been overwritten by a data import. Manual value

Click the symbol to open the detail view for a chapter and edit the value in question as required.

An exclamation point will appear when the following steps have been completed:

  1. A value has been imported. The cell is displayed without highlighting.
  2. The value is being overwritten in the data view. The cell is highlighted in yellow.
  3. The value has changed in the source system and been reimported. The cell is once again displayed without highlighting.
  4. The exclamation point appears because the value entered previously in the data view has been lost.


Cell next to a green shield icon with a check mark

Validation has completed successfully.

The value has passed validation between its source and destination. Validation successful

Cell next to a red shield icon with an X

Validation has failed.

The value has not passed validation between its source and destination. Validation failed

 If incorrect validations are displayed, this means there is a deviation between the two compared values. Incorrect validations can be corrected as follows, for example:

  • Check the validation for plausibility. Were the correct values compared?
  • Edit the corresponding values in the data view. Values may need to be adjust or rounded because values have been compared with different number formats.
  • Check the Programming of the Excel table. Were the correct values and arithmetical operations used for calculated values?

Editing Values

The data view, which provides context for values (date, user, etc.), is supplemented by the detail view. Values can be changed in the data view or detail view:

  • In the data view, values in cells without highlighting and values in cells highlighted in orange or yellow (see the section on Colors and Symbols in the Data View) can be modified directly. 
  • The detail view includes information like the history of a given value. Based on the history, you can determine what actions need to be taken (if any). In the detail view, you can also re-enter user-defined values or restore values that have been entered in the past. To edit values in the detail view:
  1. In the data view, click the info icon of the desired cell to open the detail page.
  2. The detail view of a value or cell will appear as follows:Detail page of a value or cell
  3. Configure the details of the cell (see the section on the options in the detail view of a cell).
  4. Click Save to save your entries.
    When you save, the changes you have made to values will be applied to the respective MS Excel file.
  5. If you wish, you can then click Close to exit the detail view.

Once you have saved your entries and exited the detail view, the settings you have configured and/or the changes you have made will be indicated in colors in the data view.

  • If an imported value (which is not previously highlighted in color) is manually overwritten and saved in the detail view, it will be highlighted in yellow in the data view.
  • If an imported value is restored in the detail view using the history, the highlighting of the cell will be reset in the data view.
  • Cells for which you have entered a comment in the detail view will be marked with a blue triangle in the data view.


(See also Colors and Symbols in the Data View)

Options in a Cell’s Detail View

In the data view of a value, the following options are available:



Cell programming

Programming of a cell in the programming column of the corresponding MS Excel file.

The value in this cell can also be an account number, an ID, or another unique identifier.

For more information on changing the programming of an MS Excel file, please refer to the chapter on Defining Columns.

Output format

Number format (thousands, millions, billions, etc.) for values used in the data view. The output format can be changed in MS Excel and in the document settings.

If you wish to change the output format of the data view, please refer to the chapter on Configuring Documents.


Adds a footnote for the value in question. The footnote will appear next to the value within the table in the Word document that contains the Outarea and in the result document.



  • New user-defined value: Rounding values can be defined or updated here.
  • Comment: This field enables the user to enter a comment. Comments must be saved in order for them to appear in the history.


Comment on the cell. Once you have entered a comment in the detail view, a blue triangle will appear in the corresponding cell in the data view. Moving your mouse over the triangle will display the comment.

Mouse over the blue triangle to display the comments on this cell. Comment on a cell


History of the changes made to the value. The following columns will appear:


The date on which a value was changed and/or a comment was entered.


The user who changed the value or entered a comment into the system on the date indicated.

User-defined value

The value entered into the system by the user.

Clicking Replace the value will transfer the value over as a user-defined value. This function enables you to restore values whenever you wish.

Exact value

The exact value as it was entered by the user on the indicated date.

The warning triangle (Replace the value) indicates that the user-defined value has been overwritten.


A comment entered for the value in question.

Hiding Rows

Using the data view, rows can be configured so that they are hidden in MS Word and MS Excel.

Hiding rows affects the Outarea and view in MS Word and MS Excel. When rows are hidden in the data view, they are also hidden in MS Excel and MS Word. They remain visible in the data view, however.

There are two ways to hide rows:

  • Hiding individual rows:
    You can configure rows individually by selecting one of the following settings in the last column under :
    • Option Description
      No selection

      Rows will be displayed in MS Word just as they have been configured in MS Excel. In other words, if rows are hidden in MS Excel, they will not be displayed in MS Word. 

      They will always remain visible in the data view, however.

      When a value is rounded down to zero A row will be automatically hidden if all the values overwritten by the user or the rounded values at hand are equal to zero.
      When exact values are equal to zero A row will be automatically hidden if all the exact values it contains (prior to rounding) are equal to zero, or automatically displayed if the values are greater or less than zero.
      Always hide The row will always be hidden.
      Always show The row will always be displayed.
  • Hide all rows:
    You can configure how all rows are displayed by selecting one of the settings described above under Set hide for all rows. The setting you choose will then apply to all rows.
Part of the rounding view. Shows the options for hiding all rows at the end of the detail view. The title of the options, 'Set hide for all rows', is framed in red. Options for hiding all rows