Detail View of a Chapter

Last modified on 2024-05-27


The detail view of a chapter in shows the most important information on the chapter and the MS Office files defined for it, and provides context-specific functions. The most important Information and options in the detail view of a chapter are:

  • Rename or delete a Chapter
  • Change the Status of a chapter
  • Open, edit or delete MS Office files
  • Show the History for MS Office files
  • Show Previous versions of MS Office files
  • Add Section change to Word files
  • Show the Mode of Excel files
  • Open Data view for Excel files
Opening the Detail View of a Chapter

To open the detail view of a chapter:

  1. Go to the overview and click Cockpit. Alternatively, go to the function bar and click Document.  
    Opening the detail view of a chapter
  2. Click the icon to open the detail view of a chapter. The detail view of a chapter is displayed as follows, for example: Detail view of a chapter
Options in the Detail View of a Chapter

The following options and information are available in the detail view of a chapter:

Part of the detail view of a chapter. The three-dot menu for a Word file is open and outlined in red. The name of the chapter and the options for editing and deleting the chapter as well as the drop-down list for changing the status of the chapter are outlined in red. Options in the detail view of a chapter

The following options are available in the detail view of a chapter:

Rename chapter

Click the icon to rename the chapter.

Delete chapter

Click the icon to delete the chapter.


In the Status drop-down list, you can change the status of the document.

The status change will not be shown in the history until the detail view of the chapter is re-opened.

Part of the detail view of a chapter. The three-dot menu for a Word file is open and outlined in red. The three-dot icon is outlined in red for the Word file and for the Excel file below it. Options for Word files in the detailed view of a chapter

The menu under the three dot icon contains the following functions for all MS Office files:

  • Open and edit
  • Download
  • Delete


The following information is displayed for all MS Office files:

Last saved

Date on which the MS Office file was last saved. This option also shows whether or not the file is locked. If the icon is displayed, the file is locked.

Locked files can be unlocked in the Cockpit.

Last data change

Date of the last data change. A data change is displayed if a new data import that resulted in changes to the data has been carried out.

The 'History' list shows several change processes for the assigned Word file and the assigned Excel file. The entire history is outlined in red. History of a document


The History list shows the changes that have been made in the selected chapter. The following changes are displayed:

  • Check-ins for MS Office files
  • Changes to the chapter’s status
  • Data changes in the MS Office files
  • Deletions of MS Office files

To filter the changes shown in the history, click the button.

Open previous version

You can open any of the versions shown in the history at any time. To do this, click the Word or Excel icon for the selected file in the History.

Display of information on a Word file in the detailed view of a chapter. The 'Section change' drop-down list is open and outlined in red. Add Section change to a Word file

You can use Section changes to define different areas for different layouts or formats within the Word file for a chapter.

The following section changes are available in the Section change drop-down list for Word documents:

Section change



You can use the Continuous section change if you want to use multiple different formats on one page, for example (e.g. different number of columns).

Next page

The new section starts on the next page. You can use the Next page section change if you want new chapters to automatically start on a new page, for example.

Odd side

The new section will start on an odd-numbered page. You can use the Odd side section change if you want new chapters to automatically start on an odd-numbered page, for example.

Even side

The new section will start on an even-numbered page. You can use the Even side section change if you want new chapters to automatically start on an even-numbered page, for example.

The selected section change will be indicated by an icon in the Cockpit for the document in question.

Display of information on a Excel file in the detailed view of a chapter. The 'Rounding view' button is outlined in red. Options for Excel files in the detailed view of a chapter

Value insertion

Displays the mode used to add values to the Excel file.

The Mode of an Excel File indicates what procedures will be used to import and update report values.

Data view

Opens the Data View. You can use the rounding view to correct rounding or Validation Errors