Importing and Configuring Reporting Entities


A lessee is the party who receives the right to use an asset under the conditions of a lease contract. In Lucanet Lease Accounting, leases are recorded separately for each lessee.

In your role as lessee, you can select the companies you want to be configured as reporting entities in Lucanet.Financial Client. To ensure that the reporting entities are available in Lease Accounting, the existing reporting entities in Lucanet first need to be imported into Lease Accounting.

Importing and the management of reporting entities takes place in the Reporting entities workspace.

The ‘Reporting Entities’ Workspace

The Reporting entities workspace shows all the reporting entities that have already been imported from Lucanet.Financial Client:

Displays the 'Reporting entities' workspace The 'Reporting entities' workspace
Importing Reporting Entities

To import reporting entities from Lucanet.Financial Client:

  1. Click Import reporting entities.
    The following notice will appear:

    Reporting entity import notice
  2. Click Import to confirm the message and carry out the import.
    Once they have been imported from Lucanet.Financial Client, the reporting entities will be displayed in the overview table.
  3. Assign a Country or region and a Functional currency for Lease Accounting to each of the new reporting entities you have imported. To do this, click the  icon, go to the General information tab and select the required entry from the drop-down list.
  4. If necessary, configure any additional details required to use the reporting entity in Lease Accounting (see Editing Reporting Entities)
  5. Click Update.

To ensure that reporting entities created at a later date in Lucanet.Financial Client can be used in Lease Accounting, carry out a new import and add the necessary details as described above.

When another import run is executed, only those reporting entities that have been created since the last import will be added. Any details that have already been edited in existing reporting entities will remain unchanged; they will not be overwritten when you perform a new import.

Editing Reporting Entities

To edit the details of an imported reporting entity, go to the reporting entity in question in the overview table and click the symbol in the corresponding row.

When configuring a reporting entity, the following options are available:

  • Fields marked with a * are mandatory fields. The number of mandatory fields in each tab and how many have already been filled in is displayed next to the name of the tab: 
  • Fields that have been grayed out cannot be edited. They are filled in automatically based on the information in Lucanet.Financial Client.

Shows the 'General Information' tab that is used to configure a reporting entity. The 'General information' tab



Technical ID

Shows the technical ID assigned to the company in Lease Accounting


Shows the name of the reporting entity


Shows the OID of the reporting entity in Lucanet.Financial Client

Functional currency

Designated functional currency for the company in Lease Accounting

You can select the required entry in the drop-down list or search for it using the search box.

Default currency of reporting entity

Shows the default currency configured for the company in Lucanet.Financial Client

Country or region

Country or region of the reporting entity

You can select the required entry in the drop-down list or search for it using the search box.

Shows the 'Contact person' tab that is displayed for configuring a reporting entity. The 'Contact person' tab



First name

First name of the company’s contact person

Last name

Surname of the company’s contact person

E-mail address

E-mail address for the company’s contact person

Job position

Position of the company’s contact person

Shows the 'Additional Information' tab that is displayed when configuring a reporting entity. The 'Additional information' tab

Use the Additional information tab to add comments on the reporting entity in a plain text box.