The Lucanet Disclosure Management User Interface
Last modified on 2024-06-19
This page contains information about the structure of the user interface and the most important elements in Lucanet Disclosure Management. From this page, you can jump easily to the detailed descriptions of the individual areas and functions.
Structure of the User Interface
When you first open the Disclosure Management solution from your main menu, you will see the Lucanet Disclosure Management application window. By default, the Dashboard functional area opens first.
The application window is usually divided into two areas: the function bar and the detail view. For some functional areas, you will also see an overview displaying the main workspaces for the functional area in question.
The following elements are available in the user interface:
Function bar
This is used to navigate between the individual functional areas in Disclosure Management. The following areas are available:
- Dashboard: Displays an overview of all the documents that have been created, and provides the ability to filter the documents according to certain criteria. You can also use this area to create new documents. For more information, see Dashboard.
- Document: Opens the Cockpit for the document that is selected in the dashboard. You can use the cockpit to manage documents. For more information, see Cockpit.
- Toolbox: Provides the Dispatcher and the Office ribbons you will need to use Lucanet Disclosure Management. For more information, see Installing the Dispatcher and Ribbons.
- Import Management: Allows you to configure connections and data sources for importing data to edit in Disclosure Management. For more information, see Importing Data.
- Role Management: Provides an overview of the user roles and the associated solution-wide and document-specific permissions, and allows you to assign these roles and permissions. For more information, see Creating and Editing User Roles in Disclosure Management.
- Disclosure Management Settings: Allows you to configure individual preferences for how certain areas in Disclosure Management will be displayed. These preferences apply to all documents. For more information, see Disclosure Management Settings.
- Notifications: Provides information on the status of various process steps in Disclosure management, such as the creation of result documents and the importing of data. You can open documents or copies thereof that have been created successfully directly by clicking the corresponding notification. For more information, see Notifications.
This is used to navigate between the workspaces of the individual functional areas in Disclosure Management.
It is not possible to display an overview for the Dashboard or Disclosure Management Settings functional areas.
Detail view
Here, you can view and edit the details of the individual workspaces. What is displayed in the detail view depends on which workspace has been chosen.