Creating and Configuring Formulas

Last modified on 20.06.2024


Controlling indicators such as the absolute liquidity ratio, the equity ratio, and the return on sales can be created in Lucanet using formulas. Formulas can be used in all ledgers and schedules to calculate any values. A formula comprises variables and mathematical operators. Each variable of a formula can apply to an item, an account, a different formula, a time series, or a total line in the Lucanet database.

Variables and Operators in Formulas

The following variables and operators can be used in formulas:

Formula element

Description and procedure


The variables of a formula can be an item, an account, a different formula, a time series, or a total line. Variables can be named arbitrarily.

Strings put in inverted commas (") are not regarded as variables.






The following operators can be used in a formula: 

= > < <> >= <= ( ) AND OR IF + - / * LM LAST_MONTH

How to use IF, LM and LASTMONTH is described in detail in Special formulas.


a = b
a > b AND b < d

Creating and Configuring a Formula

How to create and configure a formula is described in the following section. Alternatively, you can find the information in the following video:

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Creating Formulas

To create a formula:

  1. Open the ledger (general ledger, subledger, or statistical ledger) and navigate to the item where you want to create the formula.
  2. Right-click the item and choose Create | Formula from the context menu.Creating a formula
Configuring Formulas

The following options are available in the Create formula dialog:

The 'General' tab of the 'Create formula' dialog is displayed. Dialog 'Create formular' - 'General' tab


Element type


Name of the formula

Bold format

Formats the title of the formula in bold


Variables, operators, and, if necessary, values of the formula. The entered variables are transferred to the following table.

The table contains the configuration of the variables:

Element Description
Variable All variables entered in the Formula field are automatically transferred to this column.
Elements Elements that represent the variables. Possible elements are items, accounts, time series, total lines, and formulas.
Transaction type
Transaction type to be used for the calculation
Period type

The period type of the chosen account or chosen item is preset by default. The following options are available:

  • Start balance of the period: The balance at the beginning of the period is used.
  • End balance of the period: The balance at the end of the period is used.
  • Transaction figure of the period: The transaction figure of the period is used.
  • Transaction/balance mode set by user 
    • If the button Display transaction figures is activated, the transaction figure of the period is used.
    • If the button Display transaction figures is deactivated, the balance at the end of the period is used.
Year-to-date Year-to-date value from that the calculation is to be made up to the current period. Otherwise the value will be calculated for the current period.

Dialog 'Create formular' - 'Value type' tab Dialog 'Create formula' - 'Value type' tab

Value type

Specification of the value type for the output value of the formula. The following options are available:

  • Number: The output value is displayed as a number.
  • Percent values: The output value is displayed as a percentage value.
  • Checksum: The output value is displayed as a checksum.
    The checksum in the event of a successful check must be 0. In this case the output value is displayed in green. Otherwise, the value is displayed in red:
Es wird gezeigt, wie die Anzeige von Prüfsumme, wenn die Prüfsumme gleich null ist und wenn Sie von null abweicht. Display of checksums

Decimal places

Specification of the decimal places for the output value of the formula. The following options are available:
  • Dependent on variable: The display of the decimal places is taken over by the variable.
    Note: This value is available only for the Number and Checksum value types.
  • User-defined: Enter the number of decimal places in the displayed input field.

Dialog 'Create formular' - 'Number format' tab Dialog 'Create formula' - 'Number format' tab

The Number format tab is only displayed for formulas in statistical ledgers.


On the Number format tab, the way numbers are displayed for a formula can be configured. The following options are available:

Apply number format

Applies the number format that is different from the display settings

Number display

Formatting of the displayed values

Decimal places

Number of displayed decimal places

Configurations on the Number format tab overwrite the number format defined in the display settings.

As soon as a deviating number format has been configured, the icon is displayed in the row of the formula.

Special Formulas

With LM or LAST_MONTH, previous period values can be considered in a cumulative form (e. g. the last six months). The general structure of a formula with LM or LAST_MONTH is as follows:

LM(number of months;a) or 
LAST_MONTH (number of months;a)

Example 1

Calculation of the revenue of the last six months, with the variable a standing for the revenue item. In this case, the formula is as follows:


IF formula

An IF formula can be used, for example, to calculate interest if a different interest rate is to be applied to positive than to negative balances on the account. The general structure of an IF formula is as follows:

IF(condition;then value;else value)

Example 1

In the following formula, b is output if a = 10 applies. C is output in the event of any other value:

IF (a=10;b;c)

Example 2

In the following formula, b is output if a is smaller than 10 or a is greater than d. C is output if both conditions do not apply:

IF (a<10 OR a>d;b;c)

Example 3

The following video shows the development of a formula for the interest: 

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