Inserting XBRL Tags in Word Documents

Last modified on 2024-05-14


Using the Word ribbon, XBRL tags of a chosen taxonomy or placeholders for XBRL tags can be inserted in Word documents. The inserted placeholders can simply be replaced with specific XBRL tags in a subsequent tagging step using the XBRL Tagger.

XBRL Functions in MS Word

The XBRL functions for a Word document can be opened from the Word ribbon:

Part of the Word ribbon. The 'XBRL' group containing buttons for XBRL functions is highlighted in a red border. XBRL functions in the Word ribbon


The following XBRL functions are available in MS Word:

The 'XBRL Lite Textblocks' window in MS Word. 'XBRL Lite Textblocks' window in MS Word

The following options are available in the XBRL Lite Textblocks window:


The Add button has two functions:

  • It can be used to insert XBRL tags from the selected taxonomy.
  • It can be used to insert placeholders for XBRL tags. The inserted placeholders can be replaced with specific tags in a subsequent document tagging step using the XBRL Tagger.

To insert an XBRL tag:

  1. Select the text you want to tag in the Word document.
  2. Select the tag you want to insert from the taxonomy list of available tags.
  3. Click Add. The selected tag will be inserted.

To insert a placeholder:

  1. Ensure that no tag is selected in the taxonomy list of available tags.
  2. Click Add. The Placeholder tag will be inserted.

Update Tag

Changes an existing tag. To change a tag:

  1. Select the tag you want to change in the Content Controls list.
  2. Select the new tag in the taxonomy list of available tags.
  3. Click Update Tag). 


Deletes the tag selected in the Content Controls list from the Word document.

Toggle Design Mode

Displays or hides the XBRL tags defined in the document.

Extend Selection to Paragraph

Extends the tag area selected in the document to the end of the paragraph.


  • Input field: Searches the list of text block tags for the search term entered.
  • Table: Contains all the text block tags available in the selected taxonomy.


Content Controls

List of all the XBRL tags used in the Word document. By highlighting a tag in the list, the corresponding area will be displayed in the Word document.

The 'XBRL Lite Footnotes' window in MS Word. 'XBRL Lite Footnotes' window in MS Word

The following options are available in the XBRL Lite Footnotes window:


Assigns an XBRL footnote tag to the text selected in the Word document.


Deletes the XBRL footnote tag selected in the Content Controls list from the Word document.

Toggle Design Mode

Displays or hides the XBRL tags defined in the document.

Content Controls

List of all the footnote tags used in the Word document. By highlighting a tag in the list, the corresponding area will be displayed in the Word document.

Word document with highlighted XBRL text blocks. To the right of the document, a Word comment field is displayed for each tag. Word document with highlighted XBRL text blocks

The Highlight XBRL Text Blocks function highlights all the tagged text blocks in a Word document.

MS Word displays a comment field for all highlighted XBRL text blocks for the user to enter notes regarding the tag.