Basic Configuration for Disclosure Management

Last modified on 2024-06-11


Before you can start creating a report in Lucanet Disclosure Management, you need to configure a few basic settings. These comprise:

  • Installing the Dispatcher and Ribbons
    The Dispatcher is a program that must be installed on every computer on which you want to use the Lucanet Disclosure Management solution.
    Ribbons are menu ribbons that you will need to install if you want to use Disclosure Management with MS Word and MS Excel.
    For more information, see Installing the Dispatcher and Ribbons.
  • Assigning User Roles for Disclosure Management
    You can use user roles to help you define the permissions each user has for specific areas in Disclosure Management. For example, you can use global roles to assign system-wide permissions, or simply assign specific document roles.
    For more information, see Creating and Editing User Roles for Disclosure Management.
  • Configuring System-Wide Settings
    A user with the neccessary permissions can configure preferences that will apply system-wide for the display of certain areas of Disclosure Management for all users.
    More information on this can be found in Disclosure Management Settings.